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    Why mismatched socks?

    Mismatched socks can mean no time for a busy life. It can mean being different because you want to be.  There are things in life that don’t always go as you plan or don’t go in the order as you want and that goes the same for not matching socks.  For me, it means nothing, other than the fact that it takes too much time to match them. There’s so much in life other than taking the time to match socks. If you add all of those minutes matching socks, you can be doing other things like picking apples from an apple tree, spending time with those you care about,…

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    Christmas and the holidays

    Christmas is right around the corner, and I would normally see it as just another holiday or just another year.  But this year changed my perspective on holidays and special days of the year.  After being diagnosed with the cancer back in June of this year, I’m happy and thankful. Happy and thankful that I’m alive, thankful that I made it to another holiday, happy that I will soon make it to another year. Funny to think or say isn’t it? Like honestly what are the chances of getting an illness that can kill you? What are the chances that each and every one of us is suffering from some…