Health Tips

Celery Juice

Celery juice is teeming with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This means it’s highly beneficial for people who suffer from chronic and mystery illnesses, including conditions labeled “autoimmune.” Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), Lyme disease, migraines, vertigo, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, acne, lupus, Guillain-Barré syndrome, sarcoidosis, Raynaud’s syndrome, Ménière’s disease, gastric so pharmaceutical geal reflux disease (GERD), gout, bursitis, bloating, intestinal cramping, distention, acid reflux, vertigo, constipation, restless leg syndrome, tingles, numbness—all of these symptoms and illnesses are mysteries to medical communities, even though they have names. Their true causes are not yet known by medical research and science. 

Celery is perfect for reversing inflammation, because it starves the pathogens, including unproductive bacteria and viruses such as Epstein-Barr (EBV), that create it. As I reveal in my book, Thyroid Healing: The Truth behind Hashimoto’s, Graves’, Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr, EBV is the actual cause of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and many other diseases that medical communities call autoimmune. (More on the true cause of autoimmune conditions soon.) These pathogens lead to hundreds of different symptoms and conditions that go misdiagnosed. 

Celery is able to starve pathogens, plus it contains a multitude of undiscovered mineral salts that act together as an antiseptic. When these powerful mineral salts make contact with viruses such as Epstein-Barr, HHV-6, and shingles; bacteria such as Streptococcus; and other pathogens—troublemakers responsible for chronic illness—the salts begin to break down the pathogens’ cell membranes, eventually killing and destroying them. Info from @medicalmedium. 

Cucumber Juice

Got cucumber juice? Cucumbers were my saving grace during chemotherapy. Chemotherapy dehydrated my body so much that my kidneys were inflamed and I was in so much pain. 

As I was bedridden for days, my angels guided me to drink cucumber juice to help heal my kidneys. So I juiced 3 cucumbers that day and the pain slowly went away within the hour. Later that day, I read into Anthony’s book #lifechangingfoods and found that cucumbers do so much more than hydrate the body on a cellular level.

Since then, I’ve been juicing and eating cucumbers daily for all of its health benefits. The @medicalmedium is such a powerful channel to spirit and the knowledge you continue to give everyone is so beneficial and truly life changing. ???


When you go through chemotherapy, your body I completely depleted of electrolytes and vitamins. I didn’t understand how much the body goes through until I went through it myself. I had so many cravings of fruit and vegetables believe it or not. 

Before chemo, I had to get a CT scan to make sure I didn’t have any tumors lurking around or oversized lymph nodes. Little did I know CT Scans emit a lot of radiation, so much more than x-rays. Thank goodness I started listening to my angels and my body. They told me to eat kiwi. I was literally craving kiwi. I later learned from the @medicalmedium that it was high in vitamin c, 40 minerals, and it’s seeds even remove radiation from the body. How amazing is that? Radiation is everywhere these days, even our phone. So, why not start adding kiwis to your diet? 


Who doesn’t like oranges? As a teen I used to eat them all the time until I experienced fruit fear.  “Oranges are high in sugar, you shouldn’t eat too much fruit people were saying”.  Then I completely stopped eating oranges and fruit all together. Since this change I was sick more often and I was getting cavities like crazy!

If I knew then what I know now, my health would be better than it was and has been. After learning from the @medicalmedium how important oranges are, I have added oranges back into my diet by eating at least 1-2 oranges a day if not more! 

Oranges do so much for your body. Just to name a few, it strengthens your bones and teeth, helps fight off viruses, helps strengthens all the organs of the body, and can also helps prevent cancer too!  It’s full of so many nutrients and can heal the body in so many other ways. Go oranges go!!! Gotta love them! ?


For the love of apples. Not 1 but 3 apples a day can keep the doctor away! During chemotherapy and my surgery of removing a tumor, apples were my go to fruit! Why? 

I didn’t know until I read “Life changing foods” from the @medicalmedium. 

Apples help purify and cleanse the organs and they have anti-inflammatory properties. So wherever you have inflammation in your body, apples will help decrease the inflammation, even the brain! They will help you fight off viruses, and they increase your digestive strength! But that’s not all, they detox heavy metals and radiation.  

If this doesn’t give you a wow factor, I’m not sure what will because apples are absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! 


Lemons offer so much for our bodies that a lot of people don’t realize. As per @medicalmedium, they have highly absorbable vitamin c and bioactive calcium that bind together in the body, and makes them more bioavailable. 

Lemons can help all of us as it creates alkalinity in the body to prevent the growth of almost every type of cancer. If I knew this back then, I would have added lemons a lot sooner into my diet. 

Biggest thing is to drink lemon water first thing in the morning to flush out the toxins out of the body as the liver removes toxins out of cells overnight. 

Drink two 16 oz glasses of water (half a lemon squeezed in each) after waking up and wait 1/2 hour before eating breakfast. 


Where has Shiitake mushrooms been all my life? At Costco!  It’s been right under my nose this whole time!  

The @medicalmedium calls this mushroom, the ‘miracle mushroom’ because it prevents viruses, bacteria and even cancer from replicating. It can slow tumors, reduce tumors, and decrease the side effects of chemotherapy. 

It also makes iron bioavailable to prevent anemia. It can help people with heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and even people with MS to name a few. 



Cilantro it out! Cilantro has so many heath benefits that many don’t know about. As per @medicalmedium, it detoxes heavy metals out of your body with the help of spirulina. Many of you may not like the taste of cilantro because you taste metal when you eat it. However, the truth is that if you taste that metal in your mouth, it means you have a lot of heavy metals in your system. 

Heavy metals feeds viruses like EBV (Epstein-Barr virus). This is more reason to add it to your meals whenever possible. 

Cilantro helps with Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, infertility, and autoimmune diseases like Multiple sclerosis to name a few. 

Recipe from @medicalmedium Thyroid Healing Book.

Wild Blueberries

Cultivated blueberries is like drinking from a paper cup, Wild blueberries is drinking from the holy grail. 

Wild blueberries has dozens of antioxidant varieties that science does not yet know about, along with polyphenols, anthocyanins, anthocyanidins, dimethyl resveratrol, and as yet unknown cofactor adaptogenic amino acids. When you eat these berries, their innate intelligence reads your body, searches out potential disease, monitors your stress and toxicity levels, and figures out the best way to heal you—it is the only food that does that. 

One of the most effective heavy metal detoxing foods, wild blueberries are fantastic at removing all other Unforgiving Four factors (viral explosion, DDT, heavy metals, and radiation). Wild blueberries are also the most powerful brain food in existence, the most potent prebiotic there is, and a star at restoring the liver. 

If researchers had the technology to decipher what’s inside wild blueberries and how to use it all, they would develop cures for every condition. One hundred years from now, medical science will use the wild blueberry as the key to unlock the secrets of how to heal disease.

Wild blueberries are the sole food on the planet to contain the full power of the divine, the Holy Source, the universe, and they are revered by the angels as the key to keeping the human race alive in the coming times. 

Wild blueberries is the only plant that if it was burned to the ground, they would be able to grow back without being replanted. 


Who would have thought that zucchini has antioxidants? I had no idea until reading about the health benefits through @medicalmedium. I turned to zucchini because I was having chest pain from the chemo and my blood pressure and heart rate was fluctuating like crazy making me feel even more sick. During the past month of adding zucchini into my diet, everything normalized for the most part, and I gotta thank Anthony for that. Awesome thing about zucchini is that it helps to prevent heart attacks and stroke as well as other heart issues. 

I should also mention that it also helps colon cancer and stomach cancers. 

Totally buy his books. He’s helping so many people, including me. ???


Broccoli has so many benefits! Did you know that it’s high in protein and builds muscles and bones? I didn’t, until the @medicalmedium.  I also didn’t know that it’s packed with anti-cancer compounds such as sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol, which are known to help prevent stomach, colon, liver, breast, skin, and prostate cancers. Who would have thought?! ??

Best way to eat them is raw for its nutritional value. I’ve been eating it with asparagus as they work hand in hand for cancer prevention. 


Strawberries have lots of vitamins and minerals and have high levels of phenols. These phenols act as an anti-inflammatory which makes it an essential food for those suffering from autoimmune disorders such as asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, restless leg syndrome, colitis, COPD, IBS. Info from @medicalmedium.


Turmeric has been in the healing world since ancient times. It’s an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, and anti-depressant. The curcumin in turmeric, has phenomenal anti-cancer properties and has been known to help to inhibit prostate, skin, colon, mouth, esophageal, lung, stomach, pancreatic, liver, and breast cancer as per the @medicalmedium. 

It’s a blood purifier and helps to soothe respiratory ailments, improve liver function, support the circulatory system, regulate menstrual cycles, and prevent cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s. 


Check your berries because this is an important one! ?? Blackberries contain powerful anti-carcinogenic agents making them one of the top ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) fruits available and one of the best fruits to eat to help prevent cancer as per the @medicalmedium. They help reduce inflammation and helps autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases. They have phytoestrogens that help prevent breast and cervical cancer. 

Blackberries can help improve eyesight and help prevent macular degeneration. 


Got Kale? Kale has so many healing properties for your body. As per the @medicalmedium, kale is an anti-cancer powerhouse and contains phytochemicals such as glucosinolates that help protect the body from breast, colon, prostate, ovarian, and bladder cancer. These glucosinolates are also known to detox the body on genetic level and have the ability to literally transform your body and health. 

Kale also contains a high amount of antioxidants such as carotenoids and flavonoids which are essential for protecting the body from degenerative diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and neurological disorders. Kale contains an organic sulfur which has potent antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties that work to boost to the immune system and provide significant benefits for chronic inflammation and oxidative stress seen in conditions such fibromyalgia. Kale mildly stimulate the liver and other tissues and organs out of stagnancy.


Parsley is always just used as a garnish, and why is that? As per @medicalmedium, it can alkalize the entire body, crossing body systems and driving out acidity across the board. Mineral salts are a large part of what makes parsley so alkalizing—parsley’s specialized mineral salts bind onto unproductive acids in the body to drive them out. This alkalizing skill makes parsley helpful for preventing and battling every type of cancer among fighting other diseases. 


Grapes have been called the “queen of fruits” due to being one of the most nutritious and medicinal foods available since ancient times.  Grapes contain high amounts of powerful antioxidants known as bioflavonoids, resveratrol, and anthocyanins. These phytochemicals are anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-aging, and anti-cancerous and provide protection against anemia, degenerative nerve diseases, heart disease, viral and fungal infections, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disorders, and all forms of cancer. They prevent blood clots, tooth decay and stop viruses. This info is from @medicalmedium. So check out his books! ???

Acorn Squash

Acorn squash is easy to digest and is an excellent remedy for acidosis and conditions of the stomach, spleen, liver, and blood. It is wonderfully high in Vitamins A, E, C, B-complex, and beta carotene, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, and potassium which are vital for a healthy and strong immune and nervous system. The carotenoids are especially beneficial for protection against heart disease, breast cancer, and macular degeneration. Info is from @medicalmedium. 

#medicalmedium #acornsquash #breastcancer #heartdisease #alkaline #ovariancancerwarrior #cancerwarrior #preventcancer #healthandwellness #healingfoods #natureheals #plantpower #plantpowered #plantbased #plantbaseddiet

#vegangains #veganlifestyle #whatveganseat #plantstrong

#rawfood #wellnesswarrior#plantbaseddiet #knowledgeispower#nourishyourself#optimalhealth #fuelyourbody#healthyeats #nourishment #spiritualhealer #spreadtheword 

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are an excellent anti-stress food and are known to help relax muscles, steady nerves, and balance cognitive function. 

They are also one of the best anti-cancer foods and can particularly help to prevent breast, colon, lung, skin, and oral cancers. Info is from @medicalmedium. Be sure to check him out. ???

#medicalmediumcommunity #sweetpotato #coloncancer #skincancer #ovariancancer #oralcancer #cancers #ovariancancerwarrior #hope #lungcancer #breastcancer #wellnessblogger #beatcancer #wellnessjourney #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #foodismedicine #sharethehealth #health #healthyfood #livingfood #bestofvegan #yycblogger #yyc #healingcancernaturally #loveandlight  #healyourself 

Chaga Mushrooms

According to @medicalmedium, chaga is also rich in beta-glucans which can dramatically strengthen and reinforce the immune system making it an ideal choice for those suffering with autoimmune disorders. 

Chaga is one of the best sources of betulinic acid which is known to kill cancer cells on contact. Chaga is therefore often listed as one of the top anti-cancer and anti-tumor foods and is highly valued in a variety of natural cancer treatments and preventative protocols. Research has shown Chaga to be particularly beneficial for colon, stomach, endometrial, lung, breast, and prostate cancer. 

#medicalmedium #chagamushroom #chaga #coloncancer #prostatecancer #endometrialcancer #breastcancer #stomachcancer #lungcancer #ovariancancerwarrior #cancerwarrior #preventcancer #healthandwellness #healingfoods #natureheals #plantpower #plantpowered #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #vegangains #veganlifestyle #whatveganseat #plantstrong #wellnesswarrior #nourishyourself #optimalhealth #fuelyourbody #healthyeats #spiritualhealer


Potatoes are a nutritious, healthy food that are rich in vitamins A, C, & B-complex and minerals such as manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, and potassium. Potatoes contain an antioxidant called quercetin which has anti-cancer and cardio-protective properties as well as a storage protein called patatin which has been shown to exhibit activity against disease causing free radicals. 

Potatoes are an excellent source of B6, a vitamin which is essential for the formation of almost every new cell in the body. Vitamin B6 also is a vital component for the neurological system and for the creation of amines which are neurotransmitters that send messages from one nerve to the next. 

This makes potatoes an important food for those who are heavy thinkers and those recovering from stress damage and adrenal exhaustion. They are also particularly beneficial for depression, insomnia, sleep disorders, brain fog, and stress related illnesses. Potatoes are also known to be good for promoting cardiovascular health and are highly beneficial for reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, and COPD. 

Potatoes themselves are virtually fat-free and packed with dietary fiber which helps to prevent constipation and protect the colon from polyps and cancer. Their high fiber content also helps to lower blood LDL cholesterol and keep blood sugar levels stable and within normal range. Fresh raw potatoes are a rich source of vitamin C, enzymes, minerals, and antibiotic properties and can be juiced with fresh tomatoes, lemons, or other vegetables for additional health benefits. Info from @medicalmedium.


Artichokes are a top antioxidant-rich vegetable that is high in fiber and low in fat making them an ideal weight loss food. Artichokes are also a natural diuretic which means they are able to help flush the body of edema and reduce bloating and overall water retention.  Artichoke leaf extract has been shown to kill off cancer cells and protect the liver from oxidative stress. Artichokes are an amazing food for the liver and have many undiscovered properties that support liver health. To find out more, be sure to get “Liver Rescue” from @medicalmedium and follow him. ??




#medicalmedium #artichokes #liverhealth #liver #ovariancancerwarrior #cancerwarrior #preventcancer #healthandwellness #healingfoods #natureheals #plantpower #plantpowered #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #vegangains #veganlifestyle #whatveganseat #plantstrong #wellnesswarrior

#nourishyourself #optimalhealth #fuelyourbody #healthyeats #spiritualhealer


Artichokes are a top antioxidant-rich vegetable that is high in fiber and low in fat making them an ideal weight loss food. Artichokes are also a natural diuretic which means they are able to help flush the body of edema and reduce bloating and overall water retention.  Artichoke leaf extract has been shown to kill off cancer cells and protect the liver from oxidative stress. Artichokes are an amazing food for the liver and have many undiscovered properties that support liver health. To find out more, be sure to get “Liver Rescue” from @medicalmedium and follow him. ??




#medicalmedium #artichokes #liverhealth #liver #ovariancancerwarrior #cancerwarrior #preventcancer #healthandwellness #healingfoods #natureheals #plantpower #plantpowered #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #vegangains #veganlifestyle #whatveganseat #plantstrong #wellnesswarrior

#nourishyourself #optimalhealth #fuelyourbody #healthyeats #spiritualhealer


Onions have an amazing array of medicinal benefits and are high in vitamin C, folate, biotin, chromium, and calcium. 

Onions are the richest food source of quercitin which is a potent antioxidant that has been shown to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglycerides as well as help to prevent blood clots, asthma, sinus infections, bronchitis, atherosclerosis, and diabetes. 

They also contain powerful anti-cancer properties which have been found to help slow and reverse tumor growth within the body. 

Portabello Mushroom

Portobello mushrooms (and other mushrooms like crimini) are excellent at strengthening the immune system and can significantly lower the risk of colds, flu, ear infections, bronchitis, swollen glands, sore throats, and chronic infections. 

They have also been shown to slow down or prevent the onset of tumors in the body. 

These mushrooms are a good source of vitamins E, B12, and D and minerals such as zinc, selenium, iron, and calcium.




#medicalmedium #portabellomushrooms #mushrooms  #ovariancancerwarrior #cancerblogger #preventcancer #healthandwellness #healingfoods #natureheals #plantpower #plantpowered #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #vegangains #veganlifestyle #whatveganseat #plantstrong #wellnesswarrior

#nourishyourself #optimalhealth #fuelyourbody #healthyeats #spiritualhealer

#anticancerfood #anticancer #anticancerdiet #tumors 


Cantaloupe is an amazing fruit that has over 19 vitamins and minerals that help to boost the immune system, detoxify the organs, and deeply hydrate and alkalinize the body. Since cantaloupe is a pre-digested food, meaning it does not require any digestion in the stomach and can pass straight through to the intestines for assimilation, it is best eaten on an empty stomach alone for breakfast. 

The high vitamin C content in cantaloupes is critical for immune system support and to fight bacterial and viral infections. Cantaloupe is also excellent for helping to relieve nerves and calm anxieties. It is known to keep the heartbeat normal and regulated while under stress as well as keep muscles relaxed and free from cramps and hypertension.


Ginger also contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols and is a powerful painkiller which makes it especially beneficial for those who suffer with joint, muscle, and nerve pain. Ginger has incredible immune-boosting and germ fighting abilities and has even been shown to help provide protection and relief from E.coli, Staph infections, and Candida albicans. 

It is known to greatly aid in digestion and assimilation and is widely regarded to help prevent colds, flu, motion sickness, and vertigo. Ginger can also help to alleviate menstrual cramps, nausea, heart burn, migraines, sore throats, exhaustion, fatigue, and constipation and it is great in providing relief from the stomach flu and food poisoning. 

Info is from @medicalmedium. ??

#medicalmedium #ginger #ovariancancerwarrior #cancerblogger #healthandwellness #healingfoods #natureheals #plantpower #plantpowered #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #vegangains #veganlifestyle #whatveganseat #plantstrong #wellnesswarrior#nourishyourself #optimalhealth #fuelyourbody #healthyeats #spiritualhealeranticancerfood #anticancer #anticancerdiet #chemotherapy

Lemon and Ginger Tea

Flu/Cold Season is here and what a better way to boost your immune system than to make ginger and lemon tea. 

Lemons are also rich in bioflavonoids which can significantly boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Lemon juice is known to be particularly beneficial for colds, coughs, sore throats, hiccups, ear infections, fevers, arthritis and the list goes on! Info from @medicalmedium. 

Ginger is also immune boosting eaten fresh, but it can also be boiled into a tea. But let me warn you, the more ginger you use the more of a punch or burn in the throat you get. ??

Recipe for Ginger Lemon Tea 

1/2 – 1 cup ginger sliced 

3 cups of water 

1/4 cup squeezed lemon juice 

1 teaspoon of honey or coconut sugar 

Boil ginger in the water for 15-30min. The longer the better. 

Then pour 1/2 cup of ginger tea in your cup and lemon juice and add honey/coconut sugar to your liking. Enjoy!!!! ??

#medicalmediumcommunity #ginger #lemon #viruses #wellnessblogger #guthealth #beatcancer #wellnessjourney #healthylifestyle #foodismedicine #sharethehealth #healthydrinks #tea #vitaminc #frugivore #livingfood #colds #flu #fruits #nourishyourself #bestofvegan #nutrientdense #health #healthcommunity

Sprouts and Microgreens

Tiny and mighty I call these little plants. Just like the vegetables they would become if they grew to full size, sprouts and microgreens are packed with nutrients like vitamin A, B vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, disease-reversing compounds, and other phytochemicals.

The most important role that sprouts and microgreens play is to bring back vitality to people who are always exhausting themselves for others. When you put your heart and soul into everything you do, whether at home or work, it sprouts have the unique ability to support you. 

As antiproliferatives, sprouts and microgreens stave off infection and unwanted cell growth (such as cancer).

This amazing info is from @medicalmedium. 

#medicalmedium #microgreens #sprouts #ovariancancerwarrior #cancerblogger #cancersucks #healthandwellness #healingfoods #natureheals #plantpower #plantpowered #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #vegangains #veganlifestyle #whatveganseat #plantstrong #wellnesswarrior#nourishyourself #optimalhealth #fuelyourbody #healthyeats #spiritualhealer#anticancerfood #anticancer #anticancerdiet


Bananas are one of the most nutritional and healing fruits readily available today. They are 76% water and are packed with vitamins such as vitamins C and B6 and minerals such as potassium, copper, and manganese. This high water/nutrient ratio makes them a great electrolyte food perfect for busy moms, workout enthusiasts, and people on the go. 

Bananas are also an excellent “brain food” great for heavy thinkers and are known to help build strong muscles as well as strengthen the nervous system. 

Bananas contain powerful anti-fungal and antibiotic compounds as well as protease inhibitors which can help stop viruses in their tracts. This makes them highly beneficial for chronic illnesses such as epstein barr, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, arthritis. Bananas are also particularly good for lowering blood pressure, coronary artery disease, chron’s disease, stroke, and kidney, colon, and lung cancers. Info from @medicalmedium. 

#medicalmediumcommunity #bananas  #banana #ovariancancerwarrior #cancer #cancerwarrior #wellnessblogger #kidneycancer #coloncancer #lungcancer #beatcancer #wellnessjourney #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #foodismedicine #sharethehealth #health #healthyfood #livingfood #bestofvegan #yycblogger #yyc #healingcancernaturally #loveandlight  #healyourself #cancerwellness #cancerawareness 


Thyme has a powerful ability to kill off bacteria and viruses and should be taken at first signs of a cold or illness. It is a rich source of several essential vitamins such as vitamins A, E, C, K, B-complex and folate and it is also one of the best sources of calcium, iron, manganese, selenium, and potassium. Thyme contains antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, carminative, diaphoretic, and expectorant properties which supports healing throughout the entire body.

Thyme is vital to help stimulate memory, prevent nightmares and melancholy, ease headache and muscle tension, soothe coughs, relieve fevers, and fight colds and infections. It also contains a compound called carvacrol which is an excellent natural tranquilizer and has a tonic effect on the entire nervous system. Thyme is a good source of pyridoxine which is known to play an important role in manufacturing GABA levels in the brain, aid in regulating sleep patterns, and benefit neurotransmitter function in the brain. GABA is also one of the best natural defenses against stress damage. Info from medical medium. ??

#medicalmedium #thyme #ovariancancerwarrior #cancerblogger #cancersucks #healthandwellness #healingfoods #natureheals #plantpower #plantpowered #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #vegangains #veganlifestyle #whatveganseat #plantstrong #wellnesswarrior

#nourishyourself #optimalhealth #fuelyourbody #healthyeats #spiritualhealer

#wellness #herbs #herb #herbalism #immunocompromised


Pumpkin is a very low calorie vegetable (actually technically a fruit) that is packed with antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, and zea-xanthin which can help prevent age-related macular disease. Pumpkin is also a rich source of B-vitamins such as folates, niacin, thiamin, and pantothenic acid and minerals like calcium, copper, potassium, and phosphorus. 

It is an excellent food for aiding weight loss and for reducing cholesterol. The high amount of phytonutrients in pumpkin have been shown to help prevent the risk of cancers, particularly mouth, lung, and colon cancer. Pumpkin also contains several anti-aging benefits and the antioxidants help to keep skin wrinkle-free and radiating a healthy glow.

#medicalmediumcommunity #pumpkin  #ovariancancerwarrior #cancer #cancerwarrior #wellnessblogger #mouthcancer #coloncancer #lungcancer #beatcancer #wellnessjourney #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #foodismedicine #sharethehealth #health #healthyfood #livingfood #bestofvegan #yycblogger #yyc #healingcancernaturally #loveandlight  #healyourself #cancerwellness #cancerawareness 


Sage is a legendary herb well known for its phenomenal health promoting and disease preventing properties. It is one of the top antioxidants herbs and can provide powerful protection from degenerative diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, macular degeneration, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoporosis, prostatitis, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. 

On a spiritual level, sage has long been used to aid in cleansing one’s spirit and surroundings

#medicalmedium #sage #ovariancancerwarrior #cancerblogger #cancersucks #healthandwellness #healingfoods #natureheals #plantpower #plantpowered #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #vegangains #veganlifestyle #whatveganseat #plantstrong #wellnesswarrior

#nourishyourself #optimalhealth #fuelyourbody #healthyeats #spiritualhealer

#anticancerfood #anticancer #anticancerdiet #wellness #hearthealth #diabetes #alzheimers


Plums are a sweet, juicy, low-calorie fruit that are a powerhouse in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Plums are an excellent source of Vitamin A, C, B-6, & K. Plums are also rich in minerals such as copper, iron, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, and magnesium. 

The magnesium in plums works as a natural tranquilizer which can sooth your nerves and also work as a catalyst to reinstate your natural REM sleep. 

Some of the benefits from eating plums on a regular basis include improved vision, radiant skin, healthy brain functioning, regulated digestive tract, reduced inflammation, resistance against colds and infections, and improved metabolism. Plums are especially good for digestive disorders such as IBS, gastritis, and constipation. Info from @medicalmedium. 

#medicalmediumcommunity #plums #plum #viruses #wellnessblogger #IBS #healthybrain #gastritis #antioxidant #wellnessjourney #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #foodismedicine #sharethehealth #healthysnacks #healthyfood  #frugivore #livingfood #fullyraw #fruits #healthysnacks #bestofvegan #whatveganseat #loveandlight #health #juicing #spiritualhealer #beatdisease


Mint has wonderful calming, digestive, and antibacterial qualities. It is known to relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome by relaxing the digestive muscles and also aids in the digestion of fats, making it a wonderful natural remedy to drink at the end of a rich meal. 

Mint tea is also excellent in helping to relieve mental fatigue, mood swings, sinusitis, asthma, head colds, headaches, and congestion. Info is from @medicalmedium. 

#medicalmedium #mint #herbs #herbalism #herb #ovariancancerwarrior #cancerblogger #cancersucks #healthandwellness #healingfoods #natureheals #plantpower #plantpowered #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #vegangains #veganlifestyle #whatveganseat #plantstrong #wellnesswarrior

#nourishyourself #optimalhealth #fuelyourbody #healthyeats #spiritualhealer #wellness 


Avocado is one of the world’s most perfect foods. It is easily digested and contains over 25 essential nutrients including iron, copper, magnesium, and essential fatty acids that help the body to function optimally. Avocados increase the body’s ability to assimilate nutrients, so they are a wonderful addition to green leafy salads to ensure proper absorption of all the vitamins and minerals. 

They are also an excellent source of glutathione which helps to boost the immune system, strengthen the heart, rebuild the nervous system, and slow the aging process. The monounsaturated fats in avocados reverse insulin resistance which helps to steady blood sugar levels. Due to its nutritional profile, it is one of the closest foods to mother’s breast milk, being a complete and easily assimilable food with protein ratios that are equal to breast milk. Info from @medicalmedium. 

#medicalmediumcommunity #avocados #avocado #diabetes #wellnessblogger #heart #hearthealth #immunesystem #wellnessjourney #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #foodismedicine #sharethehealth #healthysnacks #healthyfood  #frugivore #livingfood #fullyraw #fruits #healthysnacks #bestofvegan #whatveganseat #loveandlight #health #juicing #spiritualhealer #beatdisease